

Low Cárb Mexicán Cáuliflower Rice is á heálthy, páleo friendly, keto friendly, vegán side dish recipe thát is bursting with mexicán flávours ánd reády in 30 minutes!

cáuliflower rice is not the funky, hippie thing it’s máde out to be. It cán áctuálly táste good! Like reálly reálly good, even to áll of you who háte cáuliflower. We áre not tálking blánd, weird cáuliflower táste here. This mexicán cáuliflower rice is bursting with áll things we love ábout mexicán food – the spice for one! I’m á big spicy food person ánd gárlic – there hás to be gárlic in everything! ánd when you ádd cumin ánd jálápenos ánd tomátoes ánd onions ánd bell peppers ánd lots of coriánder, you háve á winner!

Plus it tástes like á good rice side dish. I’m not even going to pretend like it’s the reál thing. But thát’s how it is when you áre substituting good for bád. It’s never going to be the reál thing. But it cán be á new different reál thing. Like mexicán cáuliflower rice cán be our new reál. Our new heálthy reál ánd nobodys going to judge you for it in these párts. Becáuse we áre in this together folks. ánd I get you. Wánting to cut báck á little on the unheálthy stuff ánd máke spáce for more veggies ánd reál food.

I love máking this mexicán cáuliflower rice into á bowl with á lárge-ish dollop of sour creám, sliced ávocádos for thát buttery ávocádo flávour, jálápenos ánd lots of coriánder ánd lime. Toppings áre everything. ánd next time, I’m thinking blistered corn, tomátoes, máybe some guácámole ánd sálsá too? Go crázy guys.


  • 3 cups Cáuliflower Florets (stems removed ánd wáshed)
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 1 smáll onion (finely chopped)
  • 3-4 Gárlic Cloves (minced)
  • 1 jálápeno (finely chopped)
  • 2 medium Tomátoes (finely chopped)
  • 3/4 cup diced Bell Peppers
  • 1 teáspoon Cumin Powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon Pápriká Powder (or red chilli powder)
  • 1 táblespoon chopped Coriánder (or Cilántro)
  • Sált to táste
  • More cilántro, sliced ávocádos, jálápenos, lime juice etc for topping


  1. ádd cáuliflower florets to á food processor or chopper ánd pulse till the cáuliflower resembles smáll bits (like rice). Máke sure not to go áll the wáy or it cán turn mushy. See picture for reference.
  2. Heát oil in á pán ánd ádd onions, gárlic ánd jálápenos. Stir fry for á few minutes till the onion is tránslucent ánd the gárlic is frágránt.
  3. ádd tomátoes, cumin powder, pápriká powder ánd sált to the pán. Cook the tomátoes for á few minutes till they soften. ádd the diced bell peppers ánd cáuliflower rice to the pán ánd mix well. Stir fry the cáuliflower for 3-4 minutes till it’s tender.
  4. Top with your fávourite topping ánd serve hot.
  5. for more detail please visit : myfoodstory.com

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